EMOL Health and ALL4Cure

EMOL Health and ALL4Cure

Continuing in their long-term collaboration in data management in multiple myeloma, EMOL is proud to announce the contribution of its Founder & CEO, Brian Decker in the recently published Study Assessing the All4Cure Health Technology Intervention on Patient...
NCCA Partners with EMOL Health

NCCA Partners with EMOL Health

EMOL Health is pleased to announce a new partnership between EMOL Health and the National Cancer Care Alliance (NCCA). NCCA is a growing network of independent oncology practices from across the country. NCCA members, through collaboration, sharing of best practices,...
EMOL Partner Becomes Nations First CIN

EMOL Partner Becomes Nations First CIN

One of EMOL Health’s partners, the Quality Cancer Care Alliance (QCCA) has announced its intention to become a Clinically Integrated Network (CIN). The board of QCCA voted unanimously in favor of becoming a CIN on a national level, making it the first of its...